4 PAX Rucked 4.3 miles in the early morning fog
21 PAX posted to play some Reindeer Games including three Down Range PAX! The fog was thick and Rudolph didn’t show up to play any games…Again.
PAX: Chappie (Milton, DE), Texas Ranger (F3Carpex), Net Minder (F3 Kentucky) Baymax, Inspector, Garden State, Turnpike, Granola, Sunspot, Big Blue, Square, The Mule, Patches, Suprise, Maurader, 10AC, Burbon, Magneto, Meatball, Skater and Eagle(Q)
Arm Circles – Front – 25 IC
Arm Circles – Back – 25 IC
The Motivator
The Games:
Mosey to the field
Seated Hip Walk Race about 25 meters
20 and 40 Pound Sandbag Weave
20 and 40 Pound Sandbag V-Sit Pass
20 and 40 Pound Sandbag Over-Under Pass
PAX Left Arm Plank
PAX Right Arm Plank
Mosey to the Pavilion
Dice Roll Game: PAX Roll 2 Dice and lead the resultant predetermined exercise: 25 Merkins IC, 25 Monkey Humpers IC, 25 Monkey Humpers IC, 25 Merkins, 25 Calf Raises IC, 25 LBC IC, 25 Calf Raises,
Mosey around the Field
Played On your Butt, On your Belly, On your Feet.
Various Stretching
14 PAX #Coffeeteria
Great time playing some games today guys! Wow, a record turnout of PAX posted to end the year right, have a safe New Year!